Flood & Moving Water Boat Operations
Flash Flooding kills over 140 people per year in the United States. Public Safety personnel are called upon to perform boat-supported rescues and mitigate emergencies in the midst of adverse weather. In addition, many are required to perform water-based search operations afterwards for survivors and to provide assistance to residents trapped in their homes.
The Flood and Moving Water Boat Rescue course is designed for potential rescuers who may provide boating response to Flood and Moving Water incidents. At the basic level, focus is placed on Rescuer safety and basic operator technique and skill.
Our training includes classroom work, videos, modular demonstrations, and hands-on practical scenarios in real life scenarios. Classes are scheduled for 24 hours, over the course of a 3-day weekend, to provide adequate classroom and scenario time, however, individualized Department courses can be scheduled on roster rotation schedules. All instruction MEETS OR EXCEEDS NFPA Training Standards.