Basic Swiftwater Rescue Course
Swiftwater and Floodwater Rescue is one of the most dangerous rescue scenarios that many in Public Safety face in America. Each year unnecessary deaths and injuries affect potential rescuers as well as the original victims. Basic Swiftwater provides rescue training to Public Safety Professionals such as Fire, Rescue, Law Enforcement, EMS and others interested in Swiftwater or Floodwater safety. Training and education in the specific methods of swiftwater rescue are essential for proper response and safety to the rescuer and patient. RTS has developed a system to train rescue workers for proper response to these types of emergencies.
At the basic level, we focusing on Rescuer safety and land based rescue techniques. Our training includes classroom work, videos, modular demonstrations, and hands-on practical scenarios in real life scenarios. Classes are scheduled for 20 hours, over the course of a 3-day weekend, to provide adequate classroom and scenario time, however, individualized Department courses can be scheduled on roster rotation schedules with All instruction MEETS OR EXCEEDS NFPA Training Standards.

Course Pricing

Basic: $200

Advanced: $250