Confined Space Entry and Rescue
Confined Space is an area where many workers are injured or killed each year while working in these hazardous areas. Estimates that 60% of the fatalities have been among the would-be rescuers is alarming. To effectively control the risks associated with confined space, a hazard assessment training program should be implemented for your workplace. Our 16 -hour Confined Space Entry course addresses the OSHA requirement for entry into Permit Required Confined Spaces and Pre-Incident Planning. Topics include the hazards of confined spaces, air monitoring, ventilation, confined space rescue equipment, and the confined space management system through hands-on skill sessions and scenarios. For Departments performing rescue from Permit Required Confined Spaces and the safe removal of a confined space victim, our 40 -hour Confined Space Entry and Rescue course addresses the OSHA and NFPA requirements. Instruction and scenarios expand to include patient packaging, confined space rescue communication systems and entry for the purpose of rescue from vertical and horizontal confined spaces through hands-on skill sessions and rescue scenario. Students will be taught proficiency in basic rescue knots, rope and rope hardwares as well as various tools used in the confined space environment. In the rescue portion of this course students will train on patient packaging using various equipment and techniques. Attention will also be placed on recognizing anchor points specific to your environment.
These courses can be tailored to the specific needs of your Department, Industry or Business. All instruction MEETS OR EXCEEDS NFPA Training Standards.
Confined Space Refresher
This 8-hour recertification course will meet the requirements of the NFPA 1006 annual refresher. Students will spend time fine tuning the skills learned in the Confined Space Entry and Rescue course as well as learning new techniques to build their knowledge.